A majority of churches today are investing only a fraction of their budget towards fulfilling their actual mission. Facilities and overhead costs consume a large percentage of ministry resources. But what if churches began to view their facility as a financial opportunity instead of a financial liability? Over the last five years, the idea of merging financially sustainable, for-profit business within church facilities has become a strategy of BGW/S-B projects.
What would happen to ministries if we could help them offset their mortgage, reduce their overhead expenses, and use their building seven days a week? Church facilities have traditionally been among the least utilized buildings in America, sitting empty throughout most of the week. We believe facilities are vastly under-utilized ministry tools that can help churches have a more significant impact for the Kingdom.
Many ministries today are searching for how to be an integral part of their community while maintaining a low-cost structure. BGW and S-B Construction aim to meet ministries here by helping them form strategic partnerships with key industry leaders in childcare, to generate more income and to bring more people onto your campus.
For more information regarding our Financial Sustainability program, please call Joe Smith at 317.957.5713 or email at joe.smith@s-bconstruction.com.